The 2024 Energy Challenge hosted by ecochallenge.org is an opportunity for Energy Trust of Oregon’s Strategic Energy Management (SEM) participants to engage their energy teams and staff in a fun, meaningful way. This month long challenge will engage your organization’s employees, staff, faculty, students and/or other building occupants in taking energy saving actions both at work and at home.
During the challenge, SEM organizations set up teams and compete to see which organization can complete the most energy actions to reduce energy use and/or increase knowledge and awareness at your organization.
Participants choose actions, complete those actions, and track and share their progress using the robust Ecochallenge online platform. When participants check off their completed actions, they earn points and see the real-time impact of their actions. The platform provides a list of suggested energy saving actions and SEM best practices. You can also create custom actions specific to your site. This is a great way for SEM energy team members to encourage participation in energy actions and to complete the specific opportunities you would like to see take place at your office or facility.
The combination of collective action, camaraderie and friendly competition makes saving energy a little easier – and a lot more fun. We hope each of your SEM programs will grow stronger along the way.