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City of Tualatin - Tualatin City Services's avatar
May 1 - May 31, 2024

City of Tualatin - Tualatin City Services

City of Tualatin


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team impact

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    pounds of CO2
    have been saved
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    energy audits
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    spent learning
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Team Feed

Recent updates from this team
  • May 21 at 8:48 AM
    Electricity gives us comfort, but this comfort should not come at the expense of the environment at large or other animals.
  • May 20 at 11:08 AM
    I scaled my "Power to Save" posters to one page to conserve the printer's energy. As a bonus - they are also cute and mini.
  • May 17 at 4:49 PM
    According to PGE, "Water power, wind, solar, natural gas and a small amount of coal are all part of the diverse mix that makes up our energy generation facilities."
  • May 17 at 3:39 PM
    I had planned to save energy today by working with my computer off....but I couldn't get anything done. I will unplug my phone instead.
  • May 15 at 11:08 AM
    still finding lots of items that really serve no purpose and have been reading their usage. I share this with some folks. These are items they are not aware of and have been around for quite some time. Ghosts.
  • May 13 at 4:06 PM
    It is really interesting how much resources we waste and or take for granted when it is someone else picking up the tab. The cost of convenience is shocking.
  • May 10 at 11:07 AM
    It's going to be hot today, so I closed all the windows, blinds, shutters and curtains today before I left.
  • May 9 at 3:39 PM
    I opened all the windows and let the wind blow through my house...for free! No energy required.
  • May 9 at 3:35 PM
    I'm going to turn off my overhead lights and change my tiny desk lamp to an LED bulb.
  • May 9 at 1:35 PM
    looked into solar at home, at best, offered net zero.

23 Team Members

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CHALLENGER: City of Tualatin - Tualatin City Services Challenger Team Members: 23 Challenger Points: 5981 Winning?: VS. CHALLENGED: City of Tualatin - City Offices & Library Challenged Team Members: 19 Challenged Points: 2197 Winning?:  
CHALLENGER: City of Tualatin - Tualatin City Services Challenger Team Members: 23 Challenger Points: 5981 Winning?: VS. CHALLENGED: City of Tualatin - Parks and Recreation Challenged Team Members: 5 Challenged Points: 545 Winning?:  
CHALLENGER: City of Tualatin - Tualatin City Services Challenger Team Members: 23 Challenger Points: 5981 Winning?: VS. CHALLENGED: City of Tualatin - Police Department Challenged Team Members: 9 Challenged Points: 3034 Winning?: